Santa Claus – Father Christmas
Santa Claus has many names in many countries you may know him as Father Christmas, Papa Noel or St Nikolaus but he means the same to all of us.
Santa Claus is the spirit of Christmas, his favourite season is obvious and he works the whole of the year to make it fun for everyone else as well.
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Here are some other names for Santa, because he travels far and wide he has to have a lot of names.
Afghanistan – Baba Chaghaloo
Afghanistan – Baba Chaghaloo
Albania – Babadimri
Armenia – Gaghant Baba
Brazil – Papai Noel
Bulgaria – Dyado Koleda
Chile – Viejo Pascuero
Denmark – Julemanden
Egypt – Papa Noel
England -Santa Claus
Finland – Joulupukki
France -Le Pere Noel
Germany – Nikolaus
Iran -Baba Noel
Iraq -Vader Kersfees
Ireland -Daidi na Nollaig
Italy – Babbo Natale
Lithuania -Kaledu Senelis
Malta -San Niklaw
Norway -Julenissen
Portugal – Pai Natal
Romania – Mos Cracium
Russia -Ded Moroz
Scotland -Daidain na Nollaig
Serbia -Dedea Mraz
South Africa – Vader Kersfees
Spain -Papa Noel
Sweden -Jultomten
Turkey -Noel Baba